There are two factors affecting final invoices after cancelling your account. First, we bill in arrears and you are still responsible for any service provided prior to your cancellation date. As an example, if you cancelled on September 20th, your October 1st invoice would reflect the previous month of September’s service up to the 20th. Second, in addition to being billed for the remainder of the service already provided, we also have a 30-day notice cancellation policy. This policy is in place to adhere to CAN-SPAM compliance where all Opt-Out Links from your last offer must remain functional for 30-days (60 days if the offer is running in Canada). So, you are also being billed for an additional 30 days beyond your cancellation date to adhere to this policy.
In the same example (above), the October 1st invoice would reflect service up to the 20th and an additional 10 days (of the total 30 days notice required) through the end of September. The final invoice (usually issued at the same time as the October 1st invoice and billed in advance) would reflect the final 20 days of the 30-day notice required (in this example, October 1st through the 20th).
For further information on how billing works, please review this article: How does Billing Work?
To learn how to pause your account, please review this article: Can I Place a Temporary Billing Pause on My Account?
If you have further questions, please contact us at: