What is the timing of when Send Events Open or Close?
Opt-out traffic is analyzed daily to determine when an existing Send Event should be closed or if a new Send Event should be created. Specifically, we analyze the opt-out traffic of the previous day to make this determination. For example:
1. Let's say today's date is 12/05. We would analyze all opt-out data from the previous day (12/4).
2. If we detect a new spike in opt-out traffic then a new Send Event will be created. If there was already a previous Send Event when the spike was detected then the previous Send Event would be closed with a close date of 12/3.
3. The new Send Event will have a start date of 12/4.
Send Event dates should never overlap, i.e. the end date of the previous Send Event will not be the same day as the start of the next.
To find out more information about Send Events, please review this article: Introduction to Send Events
If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact us at: support@optizmo.com