What is Brand Integrity?
OPTIZMO's Brand Integrity allows you to monitor creative compliance and maintain brand standards effectively. You can easily review the subject line, from address, sender address, and email body against your brand's standards.
You can enable and then access Brand Integrity from the left-side menu on the home page. This tab will give you an overall view of all of the available Brand Integrity Creatives and details.
When a recipient unsubscribes they are given the option to forward the email received. The Creative Details, Campaign Details, and Creative URL's are then forwarded to your Brand Integrity Dashboard for review.
Creative Details
Each creative captured provides you with both the Campaign and Creative details.
Campaign Details include the Advertiser, Campaign, Affiliate, and associated Send Event or Sub IDs.
The Creative Details provide you with the From Address, Date Received, To Address, Subject Line, HTML Creative Received, and Forwarding Recipient.
Creative URLs
In the next section below, you will find the Links Overview. This is a collection of all of the links that are being used within the email body, images, redirect trees to external addresses, and unsubscribe links. This allows you to easily track any links being added to the creative and quickly identify any broken or expired links.
Creatives Attached to Send Events
Brand Integrity Creatives and Details will also be displayed at the bottom of the Send Events. Starting from the Suppression Compliance tab, select the Send Event of your choice. If there are any Brand Integrity Creatives and details available associated with this send event, they will be present at the bottom of the page.
If you encounter a violation, you can easily send the Brand Violation Notice to your Affiliates. This notification includes corrective action and a copy of the creative that was deployed.
The Affiliate will receive a Brand Integrity Notification containing the Campaign, Advertiser, and Affiliate details. The Creative details are provided in the notice as well. This will include the Date, Subject Line, From Address, and Sender Address. The Affiliate is also given the option to download the HTML creative.
We hope you enjoy the new experience with Brand Integrity! We look forward to providing our partners with a better and more efficient platform and adding future tools to streamline your processes.
If you have further questions or need assistance please contact us at support@optizmo.com