Articles in this section
- How to configure SSO Login via Okta and OPTIZMO - SCIM Configuration
- How to configure SSO Login via Okta and OPTIZMO - SAML Configuration
- How to Export Send Events
- How can I update my credit card for payment?
- Processing Historical Emails with Domain Alias Protection
- How to Enable Domain Alias Protection to an Opt-Out List
- What is Domain Alias Protection?
- Complaint Details
- What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
- How to Create an SMS Opt-Out List
Account Settings
The Account Settings are the settings that will be used throughout your system unless overridden where applicable. All new accounts have the recommended defaults settings enabled. Below will explain what these settings are.
1. To access the Account Settings page you will click on the gear icon and select Account Settings.
2. Once you are on the Account Settings page, you can adjust these rules to fit your business needs. *Please note - you must be an account admin to make changes to these settings. To learn more about the different types of user accounts, please review this article: How To Add New Users in SUPPRESS
Below we will walk you through what each section means and the settings in further detail.
Affiliate Access
This will set the default access for all Affiliates in your system. Modifying these at a later date will affect all Affiliates' access throughout the system unless overridden within an individual Mailer's settings.
Download Email Format enables you to allow your Mailers to download Suppression Files in a Plain Text (eg. or in either MD5 or SHA-512 (add a hyperlink to both) format. The recommended default setting here is MD5 or SHA-512.
List Cleansing enables the Affiliate to have the option of uploading their opt-in/mailing list into SUPPRESS, where the system will scrub it against your Opt-Out List. The Affiliate will then receive back their scrubbed mailing list and a list of any duplicates identified in the scrub. [Add link]. We recommend having this feature enabled.
Download Deltas allows Affiliates to download only the list of email addresses that were added since their last download. (*Note that allowing deltas could inherently create some room for human error, as now the Affiliate must be sure to save each incremental batch downloaded to a master file on their end.) We recommend having this feature disabled.
Handling Opt-Out's
There are two ways to handle your Opt-Outs:
Use Internal Opt-Out Page - SUPPRESS will provide both a basic Opt-Out Page for unsubscribing and a Confirmation Page stating that the recipient has unsubscribed. This option is the most common.
Opt-Outs are Handled by a third party - SUPPRESS will not generate Opt-Out Links when this option is selected. Instead, a third party would need to periodically provide you their updated list, which would need to be added to your list stored in SUPPRESS. *Only use this option if you are absolutely sure that your Opt-Outs are being honored.
Opt-Out Page Styling
Styling for the default Opt-Out Page is only used if you have chosen Use Internal Opt-Out Page from the Handling Opt-Outs section. Once selected, a pop-up section where you can customize the Opt-Out Page Styling of your Landing Page, Confirmation Page, and Privacy Page. In addition, the Settings tab provides an extra function called Send Opt-Out Copy. With this option, after the user gets unsubscribed from our system, we can send the opted-out email addresses to your system via a specified URL. This will allow you to collect a copy of the Opt-Out email address within your own system.
Compliance Issues
One of the Compliance Issues we track is Repeat Opt-Outs. Repeat Opt-Outs will let you know if new opt-Outs being collected through our Opt-Opt Links were already on the Suppression/Opt-Out List. You can adjust the threshold of this notification to your desired level. We recommend 20% so this would mean that if your Suppression List has 100K emails on it, once 20 repeat Opt-Outs have been detected, we'll send you a compliance notification. Here is some more information regarding Repeat Opt-Outs (add link)
Daily Notifications
SUPPRESS provides robust Alert Notification features for Recipient Complaints, Seed Hits, and Non-Compliance. These Alerts provide analytics that help you to better manage your Suppression Files and monitor your mailing partners. At the end of each day, a daily digest of your Alerts will be emailed to you. You may choose to enable these features for more insight and visibility of your behavioral profiles throughout the system.
Complaints - Within our hosted Opt-Out Pages, there is a link that will allow a recipient to let you know if they continue to receive email after they have previously unsubscribed. Once initiated, we ask the recipient to provide their email address and then we perform a validation check to make sure it is a valid complaint. Here is some more information about the mechanics of Complaints (add link)
Seed Hits - We drop a random number of our own, dynamically generated email addresses into every list downloaded from the system. If one of those emails receives any messages, we will notify you right away.
Non-Compliance - You will be alerted if your Affiliates do not download a fresh Suppression List within the required number of days.
Opt-Out Domain
Every account will be furnished with one domain that will be used for all Opt-Out Links we create for you from your account. You have the option to add more domains to your account and we recommend adding one Premium Domain so your SUPPRESS account is on its own IP address and then add additional domains for each Affiliate you work with for tracking and domain blacklisting mitigation. Here is some additional information about this (add link)
Affiliate Tracking System
If you are using a tracking platform that has a SUPPRESS integration, then this account may seamlessly synchronize to your tracking platform via your ONID number provided by SUPPRESS. You can enter your ONID number within many of the leading multi-channel tracking platforms.
*Please note - the API key is used to set up the OPTIZMO API. If you don't see this option, please contact your account manager.
If you have further questions regarding the settings page, please contact or your account manager.