Introduction to Send Events
Send Events are a new feature in Next-Gen SUPPRESS as a part of our Insights functionality. Send Events are used to logically group Affiliate and Recipient activity into the originating email drops for a Campaign. This is designed to make it easier to identify and fix any incorrect processes that lead to potentially non-compliant activity from an Affiliate.
What is a Send Event?
When a recipient of an Affiliate’s email campaign opts out/unsubscribes from future mailings, their email address is added to the underlying Opt-Out List(s) along with the date and time of the Opt-Out.
At the end of each day, we run a complex algorithm to analyze the Opt-Out data collected for each Affiliate and Campaign combination. When a material spike in Compliant Opt-Out traffic (see below for this definition) related to an Affiliate/Campaign combination is observed, we deem this to be the start of a new Send Event. That is, a single Affiliate has sent a new batch of marketing emails for a single Campaign. This new Send Event remains open and all daily Opt-Out traffic is aggregated into it until such a time as a new/subsequent Send Event is triggered (i.e. a new spike in Opt-Out activity related to the Affiliate/Campaign combination).
This approach is based on a repeating pattern across all Opt-Outs we collect, that recipients tend to Opt-Out close to the day/time of an email drop and then the daily Opt-Out count continues on a downward trajectory until a new email drop is sent, beginning a new Send Event.
How OPTIZMO Categorizes the Opt-Outs we Receive
When a Recipient Opts-Out from a Campaign, we use their email address to intelligently categorize the Opt-Out into one of two categories. These categories are defined as follows:
An Opt-Out request is termed a Compliant Opt-Out if:
The email address was not in the Suppression List accessed by the Affiliate on or before the start of the Send Event; and
This is the first time we have observed the email address during this Send Event.
Note: A single email address will only counted as a Compliant Opt-Out once within a given Campaign.
An Opt-Out request is defined as a Repeat Opt-Out if:
The email address was added to the relevant Suppression List more than 10 days prior to the Start Date of the Send Event associated with the Affiliate/Campaign. So, the email address already existed on the suppression list before we collected it again through our opt-out links; and
This is the first time we have observed the email address during this Send Event.
We occasionally see Recipients Opt-Out multiple times from a single email they have received. To mitigate this activity from skewing the Repeat Opt-Out statistics, we only include an email address once per Send Event.
How do Complaints Fit in with Send Events?
Complaints may be submitted by an email recipient when their email address is already on the Suppression List and it was added more than 10 days prior to the Complaint. In this case, they are able to submit a Complaint and attach the email they received.
Complaints are automatically added to the Send Event for the date range that includes the day the Complaint is made.
A Send Event with Compliance Issues
A Send Event is the term for a single Affiliate’s email drop for a Campaign and all the data we collect from that single event. The non-compliant side of the collected data is grouped under the umbrella term Compliance Issues. Compliance Issues include Complaints and Repeat Opt-Outs.
Within a Send Event, this grouping of Compliance Issues is given a Status so that users are able to easily focus on problematic Send Events. These statuses are:
Open: There is Compliance data collected against this Send Event that requires attention. This status is set automatically by our algorithms when:
One or more Complaints have been recorded against the Send Event; and/or the ratio of Repeat Opt-Outs to Compliant Opt-Outs has exceeded the permitted threshold of 2%. (i.e. there are more than 2 Repeat Opt-Outs for every 100 Compliant Opt-Outs.) This threshold for Repeat Opt-Outs is employed as there is a noise floor of Repeat Opt-Out traffic. For example, some users will re-open and Opt-Out more than once from a single email, sometimes weeks or months after they received it. Hence the threshold seeks to reduce the number of Send Events falsely flagged as having Open Compliance Issues.
Closed: Once investigated, users may manually change the Compliance Issues Status to Closed so they can keep track of those that don’t need further attention.
Compliant: A Send Event where the count of Compliance Issues fall below the threshold.
If you have any questions about Send Events, please contact your OPTIZMO account rep or email us at