Mailer API
Mailers have the ability to download/cleanse automatically against the Suppression List they have access to via an API call. To gain access to SUPPRESS's Mailer API, follow the steps below.
1) Go to the Campaign's ACCESS page by selecting the "Access Key" that was sent to you via email or through the affiliate tracking system you have access to.
*Please note - you will need to create an ACCESS account before you can access a Campaign's ACCESS page. To learn how to create an account, please review this article: How do I Sign Up for an ACCESS User Account?
2) On the Campaign Access page, select Developer APIs from the menu on the left.
3) Then fill out the Signup Form, on the Mailer API page. Shortly after you submit the form, you will receive the Mailer API documentation along with your authorization token.
Note: If you need further assistance please contact support: